Thursday, March 30, 2006

Meet ADG!

Alrighty, this is the internet début of my very special fishy, Alejandro Diego Gómez! He is a betta fish with a finicky appetite. He spends his days swimming about in his house. His favorite color is blue. Hence the bright blue rocks that adorn his fish bowl home. He is fluent in Spanish and helps me with my verb conjugations. One of his favorite activities is line dancing. You can often find him immersed in reading Poe and watching Matlock reruns. As you can tell he is a fish of diverse and refined taste. If you would like to tell him what an amazing fish he is or just say hello and welcome to the neighborhood, please leave your comments here. ¡Viva Alejandro Diego Gómez!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I really can't remember the last time it snowed at my house so I was extremely this past week when we got like, umm, well, maybe a quarter of an inch. So I thought I would share the joy with all of you. Here is a little life update as well. I am in the last week of Winter term and I am really looking forward to spring break. I plan to catch up on my sleep and hangout with friends I never see! I often complain that my life is to busy but in all honesty I wouldn't have it any other way. I am excited about finishing com. college and moving on to a "real" university. So that means I have also been filling out many college and scholarship applications. I don't know what I will be doing this summer or fall but such is my life. Time will tell I suppose and I am learning to rest in the arms of my heavenly Father as guides me through this wondrous time in my life. Every experience is not always easy but I am content that God is always in control. Keep checking up on me and don't cease to pray! If you have a sec check out my friend Maggie's blog of her life in the Dominican Republic. The site is:

Who are They?

This is me and my great friend Alyssa (and maybe future roomie!?!).

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Spare Time

So it was a normal gathering of folk at the Swayze's home last Saturday evening. Dressed in our finest we sat around the dinner table to discuss the murder of a certain H.G. Wells. It took four courses and coffee before it was determined by our brilliant minds that the murder was in fact the innocent looking girl at the end of the table, Mae West (aka Heidi). Despite the fact I was the one with the nose ring and tattoos I WASN'T the culprit!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Aimslee's Adventures

Well I just made this site so I could post on my friend's site. But hey maybe I will shortly have something to post as well.